J ENESYS '19: AN ENRICHED CULTURAL IMMERSION IN JAPAN New Post!!! Konnichiwa... Perhaps, there's always something new to learn out there! Becoming a cultural exchange participant challenged many of my student and personal paradigms. It allowed me to get out of my comfort zone, something I will always be grateful for. It made me see things from various perspectives and understand that being different is not necessarily better or worse, and that differences are worthy of respect and value. Diversity is one of those things that makes the world go round. By being exposed to other cultures and sharing ours with others. Diversity builds global bridges! It contributes to making society significantly more aware, understanding and appreciative. As my admired supervisor Dr Apisalome Movono always says: “Nothing is significant if you don´t know it first.” This knowledge of others usually translates into appreciation and tolerance, a deeply felt need...