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Incredible India - A Cultural Immersion (revised)

अतुल्य भारत!
It's always a dream come true to visit India, a place where displaced Indians from around the world trace their roots and routes, much like us from Fiji. There is a ring in the name of India. The sound of bells, conch shells, religious chantings, but India is more than just that, it puts you on a transcendental high. The roar of the tiger, song of the nightingale, and the dance of the peacock are all part of a truly mesmerising ambience. The humming of industrial activities and futuristic development reveals a buoyant economy. And add to this the call of vibrant and colorful costumes, decorations, festivities, liting music, folklore renditions, hand-crafted artefacts, puppetry and you will have an incredible wonderland that is India, the Incredible India. 

I initially went to India as an Exchange Participant on a leadership exchange program aligned to SDG 4: Quality Education on behalf of AIESEC in Fiji, a youth led international leadership organisation that promotes cross-cultural exchanges across the globe. This exchange was without a doubt a two way enrichment activity - a cultural immersion and a leadership exchange. 

Personal, yet beautiful encounters...
1. Temples are everywhere

India is known to be a country full of temples. You'll hit into several temples in every state. In fact, India has been praised by some of the great people who have lived on the Earth. The evidence of Indian civilization can be traced back to thousands of years. Or perhaps, traced back to the ancient or the medieval period.

No other place can vouch for the sort of diversity, which fills every nook and cranny of this incredible country. The various religions, languages, dialects, traditions and customs provide many facets of the majestic country called India.

The geographic land of India has several marks of faith spread all across its length and breadth. Certain structures have several centuries of devotion backing them, granting more authenticity and reverence.

2. Overcrowding in India

Well, it's without a doubt that India is the world's second country that has the largest population sitting at 1.2 billion. At first glance, India’s sizeable population might appear enviable. The country boasts nearly 1.3 billion inhabitants, which means that one in six people live in what is now the world’s largest democracy.

Even better, young people under 35 make up the greatest percentage of the country’s population. But any visitor to India will see that this translates to an endless stream of people in the streets and huge crowds at political rallies and religious celebrations.

3. The Indian Chai

It's my personal take on this, if you ever happen to be in India, you must try the deliciously served tea sold in the streets. While masala chai is perhaps the most loved and widely consumed form of Indian tea, there’s no end to the variations available. In fact, different parts of the country are known for their unique brews. You will find numerous dhabas or roadside tea stalls on every nook and corner in India.

4. Indian street foods

You may visit countries and try their prominent street foods, but I bet the taste won't match the one you'll have in the Street food of India. From mouth-watering Paani Puri, the Dahi Bhallas to the Chaat Papdi Indian Street foods are delicious. As diverse as is the country, it experiences a manifold of cuisines, each having at least one speciality of Street Food. 

My personal favorite back home in Fiji is Dahi Puri, from the most prominent Patel Dhaba. These are must try street foods in India: Momos, Chola soup, Paani puri and Dahi Puri, Vada Pav, Kebab (nothing like Fiji lol), Chole Batureh and many many more. Just step into India and you'll want to try things. Be cautious about hygienic practices too. Always purchase street foods from a staller that practices good food hygiene. 
I'll keep this short, I promise

India's Culture
India's history and culture is pretty dynamic and sparse, spanning back to the beginning of human civilization. The history of India is punctuated by constant integration of migrating people with the diverse cultures that surround India. It is one of the world's oldest civilizations, with a kaleidoscopic variety and rich cultural heritage. As the 7th largest country in the world, India stands apart from the rest of Asia. 
Ancient, Medieval and Freedom Struggles

In ancient times, people from all over the world were keen to come to India. The Persians followed by the Iranians and Parsis immigrated to India. Then came the Moghuls and they too settled down permanently in India. 

Ghengis Khan, the Mongolian, invaded and looted India many times. Alexander the Great too, came to conquer India but went back after a battle with Porus. He-en Tsang from China came in pursuit of knowledge and to visit the ancient Indian universities of Nalanda and Takshila. Columbus wanted to come to India, but instead landed on the shores of America. Vasco da Gama from Portugal came to trade his country's goods in return for Indian spices. The French came and established their colonies in India.

India has survived and thrived as a democratic nation is it's most marvellous miracle in modern history. But people who had lived together for centuries, under many kinds of tyrannies couldn't live in freedom forever. Their achievements in art and architecture, poetry and philosophy, music and realism is now seen through Bollywood. 

India's global reach through it's culture and heritage is truly mesmerising and extraordinary.

अतुल्य भारत!