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Holy crap! I wrote a blog!!! Wait, lemme back you up. I was pretty much inspired to write a book when I was young. Back then, I had an unshaken determination to author several books BUT I couldn't! The reasons are not yet known, but I'll make up one. 

I promise I'll keep this short...

Then what happened?
Then a blog happened! (Apparently anyone could do it) Because of high and substantial prices of book publishing,  I had to revert to an easy way of promoting what I write. So, this is it. I have lot's to share but sometimes I am demotivated to do what I want to (aren't we all?!)

What I do?
Well, not that I don't do anything at all but really, I am not a prolific writer by profession, just an avid reader at heart. I read then I write. More so, I am a tenured student at the University of the South Pacific. I study Accounting and Information System. These two fields intersect the modern economic world. But I am yet to discover if my unyielding appetite lies in Accounting or Data Science. I like Accounting and I love Data Science. Studying Information  System has fascinated my imagination of a rather more technological world. 

What am I offering?
I promise not to offer you any food or money...but I promise to offer you the knowledge that we all desire and seek to progress. I may not be able to help you arrive at any particular consensus through the ideas that I convey here. We may have diverging perspective but, I would also like you to see the world through my eyes too. I would like to offer you 'food for thoughts'...I can't promise to keep you entertained. 

My advice to you!
I am not an expert and nor am I claiming to be one. You have dreams and goals you want to achieve, so do I. We all do. Maybe you're already on your steady path to success, or maybe you're struggling to make ends meet. Either way, I want this blog to be a low-key flip switch. 

Not only that but we really need to look beyond the classroom walls. Something which can merely be described as thinking outside the box. We need curiosity! It may kill a cat but it enlightens a soul. It lies at the root of all great discoveries and inventions.When there’s no curiosity, there’s complacency: the biggest foe to creativity. As a dedicated Blogger, I will aim to create a better understanding of the world and our place in it — a mission which has cast me in many different roles: reader, researcher, writer and a blogger. 

I am rooting for you with all my heart!  

Happy reading!